
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homeschooling? Class Dismissed.

Good morning all!! I just wanted to pop in and share this video with you all. I know so many of you are homeschooling your kids, and many more plan to (as do I). So naturally, when I heard about this documentary being made all about the benefits of homeschooling I had to share!

Class Dismissed
a documentary about homeschooling

It's so wonderful to see such an honest, practical take on homeschooling with real interviews with actual homeschooling families. I'm sure (as most documentaries do) they will be examining both sides, but I've never seen something with such positive energy representing this lifestyle.

Right now it's still in the development stages and they still need some funding. If you're so inclined, you can visit the 3 Story Films site and leave them a donation. I'm sure they would appreciate it!

I know everyone has a different take on this subject, especially in the mainstream, but I think it's a wonderful opportunity to provide my children with a diverse and well-rounded education based on truth, creativity, life experiences, and discovery rather than the pre-packaged "one-size-fits-all" method the public school system seems to be pushing these days.

How does your family approach schooling? What brought you to those decisions?


P.S. Don't forget to enter our current giveaways before time runs out!! Click the photos to go straight to the entry pages!!

We've got Erica from Bows & Caps by princESS on Etsy giving away 
a custom pack of bottle cap magnets, clips, or push pins. 
Giveaway ends Sunday, so get your entries in soon!

We've also got Mary from Organo Gold coffee giving away an ENTIRE box 
of gourmet, all-natural coffee in your choice of flavor! 
This giveaway ends Sunday 10/23, so spread the word and don't forget to get your entries in, too!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see that! I've not made a decision, yet. I strongly lean toward homeschool, but am still praying about it. Either way we go, I'll be heavily involved and do everything in my power for her to be in the gifted and talented group. I really hate that separation, but since it's there, I want her to be on the track where the teachers are the most involved. At three, she's already starting to read and write some. I really love child-lead learning and hope that we end up homeschooling.


Comments make my day! I read each and every one, and love to respond! Keep 'em coming, I appreciate every single one of you! :) OH yeah, leave me a link to your blog and I will definitely come visit!!