
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

UNREAL- an Unjunked approach to candy

*This post is written on behalf of UNREAL candy. I received promotional product for review. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hello there bloggy friends! I have a brand spanking new product to review for you today, and if any of you are like me, you're going to enjoy it. UNREAL candy.

Why is it called UNREAL? Well, probably because it's so unreal how tasty it is. Especially considering it doesn't have any of the "junk" that really makes candy junk food... but more on that later.

UNREAL has a small line of candy products made to mirror some of your mainstream favorites. For example:

UNREAL 5: A caramel and nougat bar covered in chocolate. You may be familiar with something similar called, "Milky Way."

UNREAL 8: A caramel and nougat bar with peanuts, covered in chocolate. You may be familiar with something similar called "Snickers."
UNREAL 41: Chocolate covered in a candy shell. You may be familiar with something similar called, "M&M's."
UNREAL 54: Peanuts and chocolate covered in a candy shell. You may be familiar with something similar called, "Peanut M&M's."

UNREAL 77: Peanut butter and chocolate cup. You may be familiar with something similar called, "Reese's Cups."
See where we're going here? These are taken directly from your grocery store favorites, but upgraded and unjunked to give you a much more wholesome experience. Why do I keep saying they're "unjunked"? Well...

UNREAL candies have:

NO corn syrup
NO partially hydrogenated oil
NO artificial ingredients
NO preservatives

And while their calorie content is also lower than mainstream varieties, I promise that you won't miss any of the junk from your regulars. This is NOT diet food, this is food made with safe, natural ingredients.

I was fortunate enough to get to try them all (hey, I can indulge once in a while, no?) and found them all pretty enjoyable. My favorite by far was UNREAL 8, the Snickers type. YUM! With deliciously creamy caramel, fluffy nougat, and perfect chocolate, I would even venture to say the UNREAL 8 is better than the Snickers. That's just my two cents. ;) The trick, I think, is to not compare them too hard. I liked that they are a completely new take on old favorites, and more importantly, that they're not packed with all kinds of cheap junk.

I hope you all are having a great week, and I hope you'll go check out for more info, and where to buy UNREAL- the unjunked candy!


1 comment:

Comments make my day! I read each and every one, and love to respond! Keep 'em coming, I appreciate every single one of you! :) OH yeah, leave me a link to your blog and I will definitely come visit!!