
Monday, March 14, 2011

Answering Your Marketing Questions + Free Stuff

~ your source for all things small-business related ~

~ want to feature YOUR shop on Merch Monday? email me! ~

Good morning!! My goodness this time change is kicking my butt. It probably doesn't help that it's all stormy and dark down here in southeast Texas, but I am finding it terribly difficult to get going this morning. Anyone else having trouble? ;)

In the last several days I have gotten a whole slew of emails from the business card swap post and from last week's Thankful Thursday all wanting to know the same thing:

Where did I get my 
business cards/return address labels/postcards?

Long story short, I generally purchase all of my print media from 2 sources:

I use VistaPrint when I need a good deal on the cheap. {especially if I need really large quantities...} They always have awesome specials, and most of the time I don't need this kind of thing quickly so I can save even more by doing the slow, cheap shipping. They have thousands of pre-designed options to choose from, so I also go this route if I'm not planning on doing the designing myself.

The return address labels I ordered from VistaPrint... I got like 300 of them for under $3. Seriously.

I use Moo for my business cards, my mini cards, and anything else that I KNOW needs to make a great presentation every time. These are the areas where I don't mind spending a little extra, but honestly, as far as I'm concerned Moo's product quality can't be beat. Moo is also "designer friendly," which I totally appreciate because I really prefer designing my own print media so it's exactly the way I want it.

My business cards and mini cards. 

I've even used a version of my mini cards as tags for my merchandise at "in person" sales like craft shows and bazaars.

Please excuse the terrible quality of these photos... they are seriously not doing these products justice. It is seriously SO dark and yucky outside, there is no natural light whatsoever so I am stuck with my overhead light today. Sorry. :( This picture actually makes it look pretty out compared to what's actually going on outside. Yuck.

{Anyway, obviously I have to tell you that neither of these companies sponsors me in any way, 
this is just an honest-to-goodness product/company review from my own personal experiences.}

That being said, I got an email this morning from VistaPrint {another perk... email specials} with all kinds of great deals going on right now. Free postcards, free return address labels, free premium business cards... there's like 7 deals going on this week. So if you're in the market, you might want to check them out, there's lots of free stuff happening over there from now through March 18th.

All of you that emailed me, I hope this helps! You guys know I'm always happy to share whatever info/knowledge I can in order to make your lives easier. :)

Don't run off too far, 
I'll be making an announcement 
about our next giveaway later today!


1 comment:

Comments make my day! I read each and every one, and love to respond! Keep 'em coming, I appreciate every single one of you! :) OH yeah, leave me a link to your blog and I will definitely come visit!!